Biography - Yukiko Fujii
Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, Yukiko started taking piano lessons at age 6, formed her first band at age 14 as a bass player, and developed her own voice through many years of performing & training. She listened to the radio every single day, especially FEN (Far East Network), for American Military people in Tokyo area, she was deeply influenced by American Top 40 and arena rock in 70's & 80's. She graduated from one of the most prestigious University in Tokyo with B.A. in Law, worked as an editor/advertising planner for 16~17 hours a day. Yukiko left that lucrative job and took a giant step following her heart to play American music. She graduated Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA, attended Musician's Institute in Los Angels, California. Since then, she had been performing and recording with many bands/musicians from punk rock band to blues jam house band. She also worked with her multiple talent in music as a sound engineer, producer, event organizer and educator.



Heavy Metal